Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

At White Stork, we highly value your personal data and information. This Privacy Policy outlines our commitment to safeguarding your data and explains our practices regarding its collection and use.


 1. Scope of Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by White Stork and our website, regardless of whether you are a customer, employee, service provider, or a user of our website.


 2. Types of Data

We collect and process information necessary for our services and operations. This information may include personal data, such as names, contact details, financial information, IP addresses, and other data necessary for our business activities.


3. Data Collection

We collect data through various means, including directly from clients, customers, employees, and users of our website. Additionally, we use cookies and tracking technologies to enhance our services and improve your experience. You can manage cookie preferences in your browser settings.


4. Data Usage

We use personal data solely for legitimate purposes related to our services, such as providing and improving our services, ensuring security, customer support, and for internal business operations.


5. Data Sharing

We may share personal data with trusted service providers, and contractors, and under circumstances required by law or in the event of corporate changes.


6. Data Security

White Stork is committed to maintaining the security of your personal data. We implement industry-standard security measures to protect your information.


7. Individual Rights

You have rights regarding your data, including access, correction, and deletion. You can also request that we restrict data processing. To exercise these rights, contact us using the information provided below.


 8. Data Storage and Transfer

We may use third-party cloud services and transfer data internationally to provide our services. We ensure that your data remains secure and protected when transferred.


 9. Non-Discrimination

We do not discriminate against users who exercise their data privacy rights.


 10. Data Retention

We retain personal data as long as necessary for business and legal purposes. Even if data is deleted, it may remain in backup or archival storage for a reasonable period.


 11. Dispute Resolution

If you have concerns or complaints regarding our privacy practices, please get in touch with us using the information below.


12. Changes to Policy

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically. Continued use of our services implies your acceptance of any modifications.


13. General

This Privacy Policy applies solely to White Stork's services and website and does not cover third-party websites or services linked to our website.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding this Privacy Policy or our data practices, please contact us at [email protected].